IBPS urged to adopt PSC exam system

Candidates who appeared for the examination of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) on September 18 are a worried lot, thanks to time discrepancy.
For this all India exercise, there was no time uniformity for starting the examination process. The formal time was from 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon. But at various exam centres it began at different times. While at some centres the optical mark recognition (OMR) sheets were issued at 9.20 a.m., at some other centres, they were issued at 10 a.m.
Candidates who appeared for the exam at Christhu Jayanti School, Bangalore, said the OMR sheets were issued at 9 a.m. while the question papers were issued at 9.15 a.m. In a written statement, the candidates said that at the M.G. College centre in Thiruvananthapuram the OMR sheets were issued at 9.45 a.m., while at the Mar Basellios College and the SMV HSS centres in Thiruvananthapuram they were issued at 9.25 a.m.
According to the candidates, it took almost 25 minutes to fill the OMR sheets. But on the dot at 12 noon, the answer sheets were collected back from the candidates. As a result, the candidates appearing at the centres where the examination process began late got less time to answer while at the other centres where the exam began early, the candidates got more time, the statement said.
The candidates said that prima facie it appeared that the exam invigilators were not given the right training and instructions. They wanted the IBPS to follow the exam system adopted by the Public Service Commission.
They also said that when they tried lodging complaints to the IBPS, only the particular link of its website to file complaints is not operating.

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