IBPS Supplementary Examination

        Institute of Banking Personnel Selection

Supplementary Examination to be held on 13.11.2011

IBPS conducted the Common Written Examination for recruitment of Probationary Officers/
Management Trainees in 19 PSBs on 18.09.2011. Inspite of clear instructions through the media
and personal messages, some candidates approached the venue authorities at various centres/
venues of examination without the requisite documents viz.:
(i) Call letter with photograph affixed thereon
(ii) Original fee payment receipt (NEFT receipt/e-receipt)
(iii) Original photo-identity proof
(iv) Photocopy of photo-identity proof 
Such candidates were disallowed to appear for the examination. 
Since this was the first Common Written Examination held, in terms of the powers contained in
IBPS General Instructions and as a one-time measure IBPS has decided to conduct a
Supplementary Examination ONLY FOR such candidates on 13.11.2011.


(i) The written examination will be conducted in venues across select centres in India. The
list of Supplementary Written Examination centres is available in Annexure I. 
(ii) IBPS reserves the right to allot the candidate to a Centre of examination other than the
one originally opted for by the candidate. 
(iii) No request for change of centre for Written Examination shall be entertained.
(iv) IBPS, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Examination Centres and/ or add
some other Centres, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc. 
(v) Candidate will appear in the written examination from a Examination Centre at his/her
own risks and expenses and IBPS will not be responsible for any inconvenience, injury
or losses etc. of any nature. 
Candidates need not pay any application fees/intimation charges for the Supplementary
Candidates have to necessarily register their intent online only from 05.10.2011 to
12.10.2011 and no other mode of indicating willingness to partcipate in the Supplementary
Examination will be accepted. Such candidates however are also advised to note that,
notwithstanding registration of intent for their participation, IBPS reserves the right to
call candidates for the Supplementary Examination based on the data available with
Filling in the Online Intent Form
Please note that all the particulars mentioned in the online application including Roll
Number (as printed on the call letter sent originally), Registration Number (as printed on
the call letter sent originally), Name of the Candidate (as printed on the call letter sent
originally) etc. will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed. Candidates 2
are hence requested to fill in the online application form with the utmost care and no
correspondence regarding change of details will be entertained.
(1) Candidates are first required to go to the IBPS’s website www.ibps.in and click on the Home
Page to open the link “Supplementary Common Written Examination for POs/MTs” 
(2) Candidate is now ready to register Online by clicking on the option “CLICK HERE TO
MANAGEMENT TRAINEES SEPTEMBER 2011” to open up the On-Line Form. 
(3) Candidates should carefully fill in the details in the On-Line Form at the appropriate places very
carefully and click on the “SUBMIT” button at the end of the On-Line Form. Before pressing
the “SUBMIT” button, candidates are advised to verify every particular filled in the application.
(4) After submission, an acknowledgment will be given for online registration i.e. an email/ sms
intimation will be sent to the candidate’s email ID/ Mobile Number originally specified in their
online application form.  If candidates do not receive the email and sms intimations at the
email ID/ Mobile number specified by them, they may consider that their intent to appear
for the Supplementary Written Examination has not been successfully registered.
(5) Request for change/correction in any particulars in the Online Form shall not be
entertained under any circumstances IBPS will not be responsible for any consequences
arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission
to provide the required details in the application form.
(6) Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for registering.  No other
mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be
(7) Any information submitted by an applicant in his/ her application will bind the candidate
personally and if found to be false shall be liable for prosecution apart from consequences in
civil law as may be deemed requisite.

The date of the Supplementary Written Examination has been tentatively fixed for 13.11.2011
(Sunday). However, the date of Examination shall be intimated in the Call Letter along with the
Centre/Venue address. 
All such candidates who have registered their willingness to be considered for the
Supplementary Written Examination should download their call letter from the IBPS’s website
www.ibps.in  by entering his / her details registration Number and Password/Date of Birth, after
01.11.2011. No hard copy of the call letter/ Information Handout will be sent by post. 
Candidates have to bring their call letter for Supplementary Examination along with
Original Fee Payment Receipt (e-receipt/ NEFT payment Receipt) obtained by the
candidate while remitting fees for the Common Written Examination held on 18.09.2011  
and their photo identity proof in original as well  as a photocopy while attending the
written examination.  3
Identity Verification
While appearing for the Supplementary Examination candidates must bring the call letter for
Supplementary Examination along with the Original Fee Payment Receipt (e-receipt/
NEFT payment Receipt)  obtained by the candidate while remitting fees for  the Common
Written Examination held on 18.09.2011 and their photo identity proof (such as PAN Card/
Passport/ Driver’s Licence/ Voter’s Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof
issued by a Gazzetted Officer/ People’s Representative along with a photograph/ Identity Cards
issued by colleges affiliated to recognised universities)  in original and a photocopy. The
candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter and in the
Attendance List. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate may not be allowed to
appear for the Written Examination. 
Note: Candidates have to submit Original Fee Payment Receipt (e-receipt/ NEFT payment
Receipt) obtained by the candidate while remitting  fees for the Common Written
Examination held on 18.09.2011 and photocopy of the photo identity proof along with Call
Letter meant for Supplementary examination without which they will not be allowed to
appear for the examination.
Candidates are advised to remain in touch with IBPS website for any information which may be
put for further guidance.
Decision of the IBPS in respect of all matters pertaining to this examination would be final and
binding on all candidates.
Start date for Online Registration 05.10.2011 
Last date for Online Registration 12.10.2011
Download of Call letter for Supplementary Written Examination After 01.11.2011
Supplementary Written Examination 13.11.2011
Candidates are once again advised that they will be required to produce all the requisite
documents mentioned above at the venue of examination.
30.09.2011           (IBPS)  
Annexure I 


The Supplementary Written Examination will be held at the following centers and
the address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. Candidates will be
allotted to a centre of examination:
State /UT Opted for at the time
of Online Application 
Centre where candidate will be allotted
for the Supplementary Written Exam
Andaman & Nicobar Port Blair
Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad
Arunachal Pradesh 
Bihar Patna
Chattisgarh Raipur
Goa Panaji
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Daman & Diu
Himachal Pradesh Shimla
Jammu & Kashmir Jammu
Jharkhand Ranchi
Karnataka Bangaluru
Kerala Thiruvananthapuram
Lakshwadweep Kavarrati
Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
Maharashtra Mumbai
New Delhi New Delhi
Orissa Bhubaneshwar
Puducherry Puducherry
Rajasthan Jaipur
Sikkim Siliguri
Tamilnadu Chennai
Uttar Pradesh Lucknow
Uttarakhand Dehradun
West Bengal Kolkata

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