DSC 2016,17 MODEL PAPAES English,Hindi,Telugu,Social Studies,Maths,Biology ,School Assistant ,Secondary Grade Teachers- SGT, Syllabus,Meterial

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English,Hindi,Telugu,Social Studies,Maths,Biology ,School Assistant ,Secondary Grade Teachers- SGT, Syllabus,Meterial

AP TEST(TET+DSC):Total Marks 160 . Time 2 Hous and 30 Minutes
AP DSC 2014 Syllabus-Part A Syllabus-Part B Syllabus

AP DSC 2014 Syllabus - DSC 2014 New Syllabus - DSC New Syllabus - DSC 2014 Part 1 and DSC 2014Part 2

1.General Knowledge and Current Affairs
 2.General Telugu
3. Child Development and Pedagogical Concerns
4.General English
5.Content (Subject)
6.Perspectives in Education (PE)
DSC 2014 Part 1 Syllabus  60 Marks
1.General English - 15 Marks
2.General Telugu - 15 Marks
3. Child Development and Pedagogical Concerns -30 Marks
Part A Qualifying Marks
Candidates are required to qualify this Part A Exam. Marks of this examination will not be carry forward to the Total Marks. This is just only a qualifying paper.
SC/ST Candidates have to secure 40% of the marks, that is 24 Marks
BC Candidates have to secure 50% of the marks, that is 30 Marks
General Candidates have to secure 60% of the marks, that is 36 Marks

DSC 2014 Part 2 Syllabus  Total 100  Marks

1.General Knowledge  & Current Affairs - 15 Marks
2.Content (Subject) - 55 Marks
3.Perspectives in Education (PE) - 10 Marks
4.Methodology - 20 Marks

DSC 2014 School Assistant Telugu Syllabus

Part – A
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part - B
Perspectives In Education (Marks: 10)
1.  Teacher Empowerment:  Meaning, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher  motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations,  National / State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
2. History of Education  : Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education, Recommendations of various committees during British period with special reference to Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944), Recommendations of various
committees during post independent period with special reference to Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari Commission(1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992

3.  Educational Concerns in Contemporary India: Environmental Education, Meaning and scope of Environmental Education, Concept of sustainable development, Role of Teacher, School and NGOs in development and protection of environment, Democracy and Education,Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of Educational opportunities, Economics of Education, Meaning and scope, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource Development, Literacy – Saakshar Bharat Mission,
Population Education, Significance of Population Education, Population situation, policies and programmes in India, Approaches to Population Education and role of school and teacher, Themes of population Education,
Family life Education, Sustainable development, Adolescence Education, Health Education, Gender – Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills, Inclusive Education,
Conceptual Clarification and Definition, Prevalence, Myths & Facts, Characteristics, Classification & Types, Importance of Early Identification and assessment, Planning Inclusive Education, Classroom Management in
Inclusive Education, Evaluation, Documentation and  Record Maintenance, Psycho-Social management, Awareness & Sensitization Strategies, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, Value Education, Sarva
Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Mid-day-meals, Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan (RMSA), KGBVs and SUCCESS Schools.
4.  National Curriculum Framework, 2005: Perspective, Learning and Knowledge, Curricular Areas, School Stages and Assessment, School and Classroom Environment, Systemic Reforms
5.  Acts / Rights: Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, Right to Information Act, 2005, Child Rights,Human Rights

Part – 3
Content (Marks: 44) 

Part - 4
Telugu Methodology Marks 16

AP DSC 2014 School Assistant Maths (SA Maths) Study Material

AP DSC 2014 School Assistant Biology Syllabus

Part – I General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)

Part - II Perspectives In Education (Marks: 10)

Part - III
Content (Marks: 44)

1. Living World :Life and its Characteristics, Classification of Living Organisms SA – Bio-Sciences
2. Biological Sciences :Its importance and human welfare, Branches of Biology, Biologists, Reputed Biological Institutions in India
3. Microbial World :Virus, Bacteria, Algae, Fungi and Protozoan, Useful and Harmful Micro-organisms
4. Plant World : Morphology of a Typical Plant – Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower, Inflorescence, Fruit - their Structure, Types and Functions, Parts of a Flower, Modifications of Root, Stem and Leaf, Photosynthesis, Transpiration, Transportation (Ascent of Sap), Respiration, Excretion and Reproduction in Plants, Plant Hormones, Economic importance of Plants, Wild and Cultivated Plants, Agricultural Operations, Crop diseases and  Control measures, Improvement in Crop yield, Storage, Preservation and Protection of Food and Plant Products

5. Cell & Tissues :Cell - Structural and Functional unit of life. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell, Structure of Eukaryotic Cell, Cell Organelles, Differences between Plant Cell and Animal Cell, Cell Division –Mitosis and Meiosis, Tissues – Structure, Functions and Types of Plant and Animal tissues.
6. Our Environment:  Abiotic and Biotic factors and Ecosystems, Natural Resources – Classification, Judicial use of Renewable, Non-renewable and Alternative Resources, Wild Life - Conservation, Sanctuaries, National Parks in India, Bio-Geochemical Cycles, Pollution – Air, Water, Soil and Sound
Global Environmental issues – Global Warming (Green House Effect), Acid Rains and Depletion of Ozone layer
7. Animal World:
Organs and Organ Systems including man – Their Structure and Functions Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory, Excretory, Nervous, Control and Co-ordination and Reproductive, Sense Organs: Structure and Functions of Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue and Skin. Nutrition in man –Nutrients and their functions, Balanced Diet, Deficiency diseases, Tropical diseases, Skin diseases, Blindness in man: Causes, Prevention and  Control, Health agencies, First Aid – Bites: Insect, Scorpion and Snakes, Fractures, Accidents, Life skills, Wild and Domesticated animals, Economic Importance of Animals, Animal Husbandry – Pisciculture, Sericulture, Poultry, Breeding of Cows and Buffaloes
8. Recent Trends in Biology: Hybridization, Genetic Engineering, Gene Bank, Gene Therapy, Tissue Culture and Bio-Technology

9. World of Energy:Work and Energy, Energy transformation, Need for Energy in living organisms, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Energy relations in Ecosystems, Bio-mass and Bio-fuels, Non-Conventional Energy sources
Part – IV
Teaching Methodology (Marks: 16)
1. The Nature & Scope of Science: A brief introduction of Oriental and Western Science, Nature of Science, Scope of Science, Substantive and Syntactic Structure of Science.
2.  Objectives of Teaching Biological Sciences: Importance of Objectives of Teaching Biological Sciences, Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and limitations, Writing Instructional Objectives and Specifications

3.  Aims and Values of Teaching Biological Sciences: Aims of teaching Biological Sciences, Values of teaching Biological Sciences.
4.  Approaches and Methods of Teaching Biological Sciences: Inductive Approach and Deductive Approach, Methods of Teaching 1. Lecture Method, 2. Lecture cum Demonstration Method, 3. Heuristic Method, 4. Project Method, 5. Experimental Method, 6. Laboratory Method.
5.  Science Laboratories: Importance of Practical work  in Biological Sciences, Planning Science Laboratory, Procurement, Care and  Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment, Maintenance of different Registers, Safety and First aid, Development of Improvised Apparatus
6.  Planning for effective Instruction: Year Plan, UnitPlan, Lesson Plan – Herbartian and Bloom’s Approach, Criteria for Evaluation of Lesson Plan. Self Evaluation and Peer Evaluation, Learning experiences – Characteristics, SA – Bio-Sciences  Page 3 Classification, Sources and Relevance, Teaching – Learning Material and Resources in Biological Sciences.
7.  Science Curriculum: Principles of Curriculum Construction, Defects in the existing School Science Curriculum, Correlation of  Biological Sciences with other School Subjects, Qualities of a good Biological Science Text-book.
8.  Non-formal Science Education: Science club, Eco-club, Blue-club, Red-ribbon club, Science fairs – Objectives, levels of  organizations, importance, Science Laboratories, Role of NGO`S and State in popularizing science.

9.  Biological Science Teacher: Qualities of a good Biological Sciences Teacher, Roles and Responsibilities
10.  Evaluation: Concept and process of Measurement and  Evaluation, Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation, Tools of Evaluation, Preparation of Scholastic Achievement Test(SAT), Analysis and interpretation of scores.

AP DSC 2013 School Assistant Physics PS Syllabus

Part – I General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part - II Perspectives In Education (Marks: 10)
Part - III
Content (Marks: 44)
1. Measurement, Units And Dimensions
2. Our Universe
3. Natural Resources Air And Water
4.     Kinematics And Dynamics
5.     Natural Phenomena
   6. Magnetism
  7. Electromagnetism
  8. Electricity
  9. Modern Physics
  10.States of Mater - Gases and Liquids
  11.Communication Systems
  12.Atomic Structure
13.Classification of Elements And Periodicity in Properties
14.Chemical Kinetics, Energitics, Chemical Calculations And Stoichiometry
15.Environmental Chemistry
16.Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
17.Solutions, Acids And Bases
18.Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins & Lipids
19.General Principles Of Metallurgy
20.Chemistry of Carbon Compounds
21.Chemistry & Industry
Part – IV

Teaching Methodology (Marks: 16)

1.  The History and Development of Science: A brief introduction to oriental and western science, Contribution of the following Scientists in the Development of Science: Aryabhatta, BhaskaraCharya, Aristotle,  Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, C.V.Raman, Various organizations working  for the development of science in India
2.  The Nature of Science: Nature and scope of science,Science, ideology and Society, Structure of Science (a) Substantive structure – Empirical knowledge, Theoretical Knowledge – (Facts, Concepts, hypothesis, theory, Principle Law), (b)Syntactic Structure of Science –Scientific inquiry, Processes of Science, Attitudes of inquiry
3.  Aims and Values of teaching Physical Sciences: Aimsof teaching Physical Sciences, Values of teaching Physical Science, Correlation of Physics and Chemistry with other subjects
4.  Approaches and Methods of teaching Physical Sciences: Inductive and Deductive Approaches, Micro Teaching, Team Teaching, Lecture Method, Lecture cum Demonstration Method, Historical Method, Heuristic Method, Project Method, Laboratory method, Problem Solving  Method, Scientific Method, Multimedia Approach in Teaching Learning process, Programmed Learning, CAI and CAL
5.  Objectives of teaching Physical Sciences: Meaning and importance of objectives, Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational objectives, Specific / Behavioral objectives / (Instructional objectives),Critique on Bloom’s
6.  Planning for effective instruction in Science: YearPlan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan, Learning experience, characteristics, classification, source and relevance.
7.  Science laboratories: Importance of Practical work  in science, Planning of Science laboratories, Procurement, care and maintenance of laboratory equipment, Registers, Management of safety and science kits, Development of improvised Apparatus.
8.  Teaching Learning Material (TLM): Characteristics and Importance of TLM, Classification and Types of TLM, Hardware and Software in TLM, TLM- Principles to be followed, Edgar Dale’s cone of learning experience.
9.  Physical Science Curriculum: Principles of Curriculum Construction, Defects in the existing school science curriculum, Qualities of a good Science Text Book.
10.  Evaluation: Concept and Process of Evaluation, Tools of Evaluation, Preparation of Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT), Analysis and interpretation of Score
11.  Non-formal Science Education: Science Clubs, Science Fairs – purposes, levels, organization, advantages, Science Library,  Role of NGOs and State in popularizing Science

AP DSC 2014 SGT (Secondary Grade Teachers) Syllabus. DSC 2014 SGT New Syllabus. Download DSC SGT Telugu Syllabus.

Category of Post: SGT – Telugu
Part - I
General Knowledge and current affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in education (Marks: 10)
Part – III
Language – I (Indian Languages) (Marks: 09)
Part – IV
Language II - English (Marks: 09)
Part – V
Mathematics (Marks: 09)
Part – VI
SCIENCE (Marks: 09)
Part – VII
Part – VIII
Teaching Methodology (Strategy Papers) (Marks: 15)
Teaching Methodology - English, Telugu, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies

AP DSC 2014 School Assistant Hindi Syllabus
AP DSC 2014 School Assistant Hindi Syllabus. Category of Post : School Assistant - Hindi Syllabus

Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part - II
Perspectives In Education (Marks: 10)
Part - III
Content Marks 44

 Part 4 Methodology Marks 16

AP DSC 2015 PET Syllabus

AP DSC 2015 PET (Physical Education Teacher) Syllabus. DSC 2014 PET New Syllabus has been divided into 8 Parts.
Part – I
General Knowledge And Curent Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
English (Marks: 10)
1. Parts of speech
2. Tenses
3. Types of sentences
4. Articles and prepositions
5. Degrees of Comparison
6. Direct speech and indirect speech
7. Clauses
8. Voice – Active and passive voice
9. Use of phrases
10. Comprehension of a prose passage
11. Composition
12. Vocabulary

Part – III
Principles, Philosophy and History of Physical Education (Marks: 15)
(a) Meaning of the terms – Aims and Objectives – Aim and objectives of Physical Education, Meaning and Definition of Physical Education
(b) Biological Principles: The biological basis of life; Growth and Development; principles of use, disuse and overuse – Body types – Ages of development.
(c) Sociological Principles: Physical Education and Recreation as socializing factors – Cooperation and Competition; Character building and Personality development through Games and Sports.
(d) History: Physical Education in Ancient Greece – Sparta, Athens – Ancient Rome – Germany, Ancient and Modern Olympic Movement. Historical development of Physical Education in India and status of various
committees and their recommendations
Part – IV
Organization and Administration of Physical Education (Marks: 12)
(a) Meaning of the terms organization, Administration and supervision.
(b) (i) Guiding Principles of Organization
(ii) Physical Education Department set up in School, District and State.
(c) Play fields – Construction and Maintenance – Equipment – Purchase and Care and Maintenance; Layout and Maintenance of swimming pool and Gymnasium.
(d) Time-Table; Factors influencing time-table; Types of Physical Education Periods; Time allotment for Intra-Murals, Extra Murals, Play days, Demonstrations.
(e) Budget and Accounting – Preparation and Administration of good budget.
(f) Records and Registers – Types of Registers – Stock, Issue, Attendance, Physical Measurement and fitness record Cumulative Register.
(g) Supervision – Meaning and need; Guiding principles of supervision.
Part – V
Psychology, Materials and Methods of Physical Education (Marks: 12)
(a) Psychology : Meaning and Definition of Psychology – Definition of Sports Psychology, Development and stages – Motor development, Social development – Role of Maturation – Individual differences.
(b) Play – Theories of Play Learning – Kinds of Learning – Laws of Learning – Learning curve –
Transfer of Training. Motivation – Meaning, definition and its importance.
(c) Methods and Materials in Physical Education
(i) Definition of Method and Material
(ii) Presentation techniques – Personal and Technical – Management of Class.
(iii) Methods of Teaching – Factors influencing method – Verbal Explanation, Demonstration, Explanation, Discussion and Supervision.
(iv) Lesson Planning – Types of Lessons – Objectives of Lesson Planning - Values of lesson Plan.
(v) Tournaments – Types of Tournaments – Knock out, League and Combination – Fixtures for Tournaments – Knock-out League fixtures.
(vi) Classification – Classification of Students – Mc Cloys’, Cozens, Tirunarayan and Hari Haran, School Games Federation of India students classification.
(vii) Characteristics of Good Test.
(viii) Training Methods
Definition of Training – importance of Training – Principles of Training – Types of Training Methods – Resistance, circuit, Interval and Continuous warning up types and cool down Fatigue – Types of
Fatigue – Effect on sports performance; Various Recovery methods and types of recovery.
Part – VI
Anatomy and Physiology and Kinesiology (Marks: 12)
(a) Structure and Functions of cell
(b) Skeletal system- Bones – Axial and Appendicular Skeleton – Structure and Functions of bones – Types of bones – Effect of exercise on skeleton system.
(c) Muscular system- Classification of Muscles – Effect of Exercise on Muscular system
(d) Respiratory system– Structure of Human Respiratory system – Mechanism of Respiration –Effect of Exercise on Respiratory system.
(e) Digestive system- Structure of human digestive system and process of digestion – Effect of exercise on digestive system.
(f) Circulatory system- Constituents of Blood and its functions – Structure and Functions of Human Heart - Effect of Exercise on Circulatory system.
(g) Excretory system- Structure and Functions of Kidneys and Skin – Effects of Exercise on Excretory system.
(h) Nervous system- Structure and Functions of Human Brain and Spinal cord.
(i) Kinesiology - Types of joints and Movements around joint. Origin, insertion and action of the muscles around joints.
Part – VII
Health Education, Safety Education and Physiology of Exercise (Marks: 15)
(a) Factors influencing Physical and Mental Health.
(b) Definition of Health, Hygiene and Sanitation
(c) Communicable diseases – Prevention and Control – Tuberculosis, Cholera, Malaria, Typhoid,
(d) Factors influencing Health – Heredity, Habits and Environment.
Measles and Whooping cough.
(e) Food and Nutrition – Essential Constituents of food – Proteins, CHO, Fats, Minerals, Vitamins – Balanced DIET – Under nutrition and malnutrition.
(f) Safety Education – Safety on Road, Safety in the School, Safety on playfields. (i) Pollution – Air and Water Pollutions and their prevention and control.

(g) Coordinated School Health programme – Health Services, Health Instruction, Health Supervision and Health Record.

(h) Posture – Definition – Values of Good Posture – Common Pastural deformities – Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis, knocked – knees, Flat foot.
(a) Values of Streams of Yoga – Jnana, Bhakti, Karuna, Raja Yoga
(b) Yoga – Definition, Meaning and Objectives.
(c) Relationship of Yoga with Physical Education and Health.
(d) Pranayama – Meaning and importance; Stages of Pranayama.
(e) Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga; Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Prathyahasa, Dharma, Dhyana and Samadhi.
(f) Effect of yoga on sports performance.
Physiology of Exercise:
Warming up, Conditioning, Motor end plate, Glycolsis.
Part – VIII
Officiating and Coaching of Physical Education (Marks: 14)
(a) Marking, Rules, Signals and Systems of Officiating in the following Games;
Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Kabaddi, Kho kho, Soft Ball, Ball Badminton, Hockey, Foot Ball, Cricket, Tennikoit, Hand Ball.

(b) Marking, Rules, Signals and Systems of Officiating in the following Games;
Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Kabaddi, Kho kho, Soft Ball, Ball Badminton, Hockey, Foot Ball, Cricket, Tennikoit, Hand Ball.
(c) Meaning and Principles of officiating
(d) Athletics – Runs, Throws and Jumps
(e) Duties of Referee / Umpires / Scorer’s in various Games.

DSC Model Papers & Syllabus  Click Here

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The IBPS SO 2018 exam date will tentatively release on 3rd November 2018. Candidates have to fill the application form so that they can participate in the exam. The application form of IBPS Specialist Officer will release online on the official website.