SSC Combined Graduate level Exam 2014 Model Papers/Previous Papers

SSC Combined Graduate level Exam 2014 

Model Papers/Previous Papers (SSC Stenographs Grade c& D)
Tax Assistant in CBEC,Compiler in Registrar General of India,Sub-Inspecter in Central Bureau of Narcotics,Assistant in Central Secretariat Service,Assistant in Central Vigilance Commission,Assistant in Intelligence Bureau,Assistant in Ministry of Railway,Assistant in Ministry of External Affairs,Assistant in AFHQ,Assistant in other Ministry/Departments/Organisations,Inspector of Income Taxin CBDT,Inspector Inspector (Central Excise) in CBEC,Inspector(Preventive officer) in CBEC,Divisional Accountant in offices under CAG,Auditor in Office Under CGDA

I) The govemment set up a committee headed by the Chairman, Central Board of Direct Taxes sometime back to go into —

  I) oodification of Mx laws
  2) the enfire structure of tax laws including the question of imposition of hank tax
  3) Me concerns of foreign investors in IndM will regard to taxation matters
  4) aspects of generation of black money, its transfer abroad and dinging hack such money into legNmate           financial oyster
2) Who got the ' Purple Cap • for Mking maximum number of wickets in IPL —4 series
 I) Harhhan Singh
 2) Lasrth Malinga
 3) Camel Vettory
4) AIM Mother

Ans— 2

3)At. which place did the Union Finance Minister lay the foundation stone rot. new hanknoM paper mill some time back

 I) Surat
 2) Aurangahad
 3) Mysore
 4) Guntur

 Ans — 3

 4).1be secret operation carried out successfully by the US Navy Seals, in which arna Bin Laden, the warld's most wanted terrorist was Fil. was codenarned as —

1) Jasmine
 2) Rose
3) Geronime
4) Cobra

Ans - 3

5)4. per the latest 'Sample Registration Survey Report released sometime back by the Census Office at New Delhi, there has been a significant improvement in the • Infant Mortality Rate per 1000 live births in India during the period 1999 - 2009. What has been Me percentage change during this period .

 1) 15%
 2) 29%

 Ans - 2

6)The latest volume of foodgrains to be given per family as determined under ' Annapurna scheme is___

 1) 35 kgs
 2) 20 kgs
 3)10 kgs
 4) 40 Kgs

Ans - 1

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