1.    How many number s are there between 200 and 300 in which 9 occurs only once?
a. 19                      b. 20                c.21                             d. 18

2.            An amount of Rs.417 is divided among A, B, C and D such that A gets Rs.13 more than B, B gets Rs.9 more than C and C gets Rs.6 more than D. A’s share is
a. 121                    b. 116              c. 120                          d.124

3.            Manju took Rs. 20000 at 5% SI for 2 years and invested it at 4% CI for same period. Find her gain/loss.
a. Rs. 368 gain       b. Rs.423 gain  c. Rs. 368 loss                        d. Rs. 200 gain

4.            A spends 1/4th of his leisure on reading books, 2.3rd of the remaining on watching TV. If he spends 2 hrs on watching TV what is the total time of her leisure?
a. 6 hrs                  b. 8 hrs             c. 2 hrs                         d. 4 hrs
5.            A plant reproduces at the rate of 25% every 12 min. In approximately what time will it triple itself?
a. 90 min                b. 60 min         c. 40 min                      d. 75 min

6.            What strength of 20 ml acid should be added to 10 ml of 50% acid to get an average strength of 20% acid?
a. 0.5%                 b. 5%               c. 50%                         d. 5.5%

7.            A dishonest shopkeeper uses 800 gm weight instead of 1ks and mixes 20% impurities to wheat. Find his gain %.
a. 30                      b. 40                c. 50                            d. 60

8.            If the price of sugar increases by 30% by what percentage the consumption be reduced to make the expenditure same?
a. 25                      B. 20                C. 23                           d. 16 2/3

9.            A man invests Rs. 4400 in stock at 110 and sells when the stock rises to 119. What is profit?
a. 396                    b. 380              c. 360                          d. 340

10.          A boat is rowed down the river at 10 kmph and up the river at 2 kmph. What is the speed of the current?
a. 8 kmph               b. 6 kmph         c. 3.5 kmph                  d. 4 kmph

11.          A camp has provisions to last for 6 days for 224 cadets. How many cadets must be sent away for the provisions to last for 7 days?
a. 192                    b. 32                c. 48                            d. 96

12.          In a race the speeds of A and B are in ratio of 3:4. A takes 30 min more than B to reach the target. Time taken by A to reach target is
a. 1 hr                    b. 90 min          c. 2 hrs                                    d. 2.5 hrs

13.          A father’s age is 4 times the age of his elder son and 5 times the age of his younger son. When the elder son lived to three times his present age, then father’s age will exceed his younger son’s age by 3 yrs. What is the age of the father?
a. 40 yrs                 b. 32 yrs           c. 30 yrs                       d. None

14.          Two pipes can fill a tank in 4 hr and 5 hr respectively. If they are turned on alternatively for 1 hr each, the tank will be filled in
a. 4 hr. 24 min       b. 4 hrs             c. 4.5 hrs                      d. 5 hrs

15.          If a train running at 72 kmph crosses a tree in 7 s its length is
a. 150 m                 b. 135 m          c. 140 m                      d. 126 m

16.          In an apartment exactly 1/3rd of flats have two bedrooms and exactly 1/7th of flats have three bedrooms. How many flats could be there?
a. 42                      b. 50                c. 56                d. 57

17.          The sum of n different positive integers is less than 100. What is the maximum possible value of n?
a. 10                      b. 11                c. 12                d. 13

18.          How many lead ball each of radius 1 cm can make a sphere of radius 8 cm?
a. 64                      b. 128              c. 256              d. 512

19.          A class of 356 votes has to choose the president. With 5 candidates seeking office, what is the least number of votes a successful candidate could receive to win?
a. 71                      b. 72                c. 89                d. 179

20.          1, 4, 2, 8, 6, 24, 22, 88, ___
a. 352                    b. 78                c. 84                d. 86

(21-23)  A solid cube is painted black on two of its opposite faces and green on two adjacent faces. It is then cut into 125 equal pieces.
21.          How many pieces will have no paint?
a. 59                      b. 64                c. 77                d. none

22.          How many pieces will have only one face painted?
a. 36                      b. 48                c. 56                d. None

23.          How many pieces will have two faces painted with different colours?
a. 24                      b. 22                c. 18                d. none

24.          In a chess tournament each of the six players will play every other player exactly once. How many matches will be played?
a. 8                                    b. 15                c. 30                d. 36

25.          A clock is placed such that at 12 noon its minute hand points towards Northeast. In which direction will its hour hand point at 1:30 pm?
a. North                 b. South           c. West                        d. East

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