United Bank of India Specialist Officers IBPS Cut-Off List ,Marks and Interview List

United Bank of India Specialist  Officers IBPS Cut-Off List ,Marks and Interview List

 Selection for the post of `Agriculture Field officer/Technical officer will be made on the basis of
performance in Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in March 2012  and
the marks obtained in Group Discussion and/Interview.    
   GROUP DISCUSSION and / INTERVIEW: Depending upon the number of vacancies only
those candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks stipulated for subject wise Test
for CWE conducted by IBPS  , rank sufficiently high in the order of merit shall be called for
Interview/ Group Discussion by the Bank in the ratio1:5. 
 The total marks for Group Discussion/ Interview will be 100. The minimum qualifying marks for
Group Discussion and /Interview would be 40 (35 for SC/ST/PWD/OBC).
          Merit list of the candidates based on aggregate of TWSS obtained in CWE and in Personal
Interview/Group Discussion will be prepared in descending order under the respective   SC/ST /
OBC / UR category. 
The Group Discussion and/Interview will be held at selected places and the address of the venues
will be advised in the call letters.  The address of the venues will also be displayed in the Bank’s
website (www.unitedbankofindia.com) one week before the dates for commencement of Group
Discussion/ Interviews. The Group discussions and /Interview will be held at Kolkata, Guwahati,
Ranchi  . Candidates will have to opt for a particular venue for appearing at the Group discussion
and /Interview. 
Note:   (i) Request for change of Centre of Group Discussion and/ Interview shall  NOT  be
(ii) Bank reserves the right to cancel any of the above   centres and/or add some other
centres, depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, etc. Bank also reserves the
right to allot the candidate to any of the centres other than the one he/she has opted for.    

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