Ordnance parachute Factory Kanpur Group “C” Industrial Establishment (IE) Model Papers/Previous Papers 2012

Scheme for Examination :
(i)                  The selection will be made purely on the basis of combined merit obtained by the candidate in written Examination and Trade Test. The selection process will comprise :-
(a)     Written Test of 100 Marks :  the question papers of written Test will be bilingual i.e. English and Hindi.
(b)   Trade Test (pradtical) of 100 Marks : the trade test will be conducted to test the skill of the candidates in their relevant trades.
ii) Syllabus for written Examination and Trade Test:
(a)    Written Examination : the syllabus for the written test will be broadly as that of the NCVT  Examination syllabus prescribed for the respective trade and as per the functional requirement of that trade in factory.
(b)   Trade  Test   :  the syllabus for Trade Test (practical) will be as per Trade Test specofocation of the semi- skilled grade of the relevant trade.
(c)    All eligible candidates will be called for an objective type written test. On the basis of merit of written test marks, candidates will be called for Trade Test (Practical Test) of 100 marks in the ratio of 1:3 to the number of vacancies in the respective trades. Final merit will be decided on process, other things being equal i.e. marks being equal trained Ex- TradeApprentices of the  recruiting Ordnance Factory and sister ordnance factories shall be given pereferencein in the order in which they are placed.
In the between the trained Ex.trade Apprentices of the recruiting factory, preference shall be given to those who are senior i.e.if two or more Ex-trade Apprentices secure the same marks then preference shall be given on the basis of seniority. Seniority of Ex-trade Apprentices of the recruiting ordnance Factory shall be decided on the basis of OFB’S Letter No. 13/08/03/A/HRD dated 15/17-12-2003 which is as follows :-
i)                    The NCTVT examination batch number (month/year ) will be the criteria for maintaining the seniority of Ex-TA.
ii)                   The merit list of the particular NCTVT examination will be the criteria of seniority  for EX-TA  for that batch .
Similary , in between the trained Ex-Trade Apprentices of the Soster Ordnance Factories, preference shall be given to those who are senior as mentioned above. In all other cases of tie, the selection will be decoded on the basis of marks obtained in the written Examination only.