group iv model papers,APPSC Group 4 Model Papers ,APPSC GROUP IV Previous papers

group iv model papers,APPSC Group 4 Model Papers ,APPSC GROUP IV Previous papers

group iv model papers

No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
150 Minutes
150 Minutes

The Andhrapradesh State APPSC Group 4 written examination Syllabus in Intermediate 

PAPER-I is  General Studies :

1) History,2) Geography, 3) Civics, 4) Economics, 5) Physics, 6) Chemistry, 7) Botany,  Zoology, 9) Current Affairs &
10) DISASTER MANAGEMENT : (Source : CBSE Publications)
·         Concepts in disaster management and vulnerability profile of India / State of A.P.
·         Earth quakes / Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought – causes and effects.
·         Man made disasters – Prevention strategies.
·         Mitigation strategies / Mitigation measures.
APPSC Group 4 PAPER-II  Secretarial Abilities :
·         Mental Ability (Verbal and non-verbal)
·         Logical Reasoning 3) Comprehension
·         Re-arrangement of sentences with a view to improve analysis of a passage
·         Numerical and Arithmetical abilities.

APPSC Group 4 General Science Paper Sample Questions
Download the APPSC group 4 Model Question papers and Syllabus and Study Material Books
APPSC Group 4 Examination Salued Model Paper

Biological Science for APPSC GROUP 4

1. The Chemical substances required for energy, growth and body building are called _______
2. Vitamins and Minerals are required in smallamounts. So they arecalled _______
3. Nutrition is the procurement of all _______required for the body.
4. Carbohydrates and Sodium are _______nutrients.
5. Iron and fluorine are _______ nutrients.
6. Rice is rich in _______ and _______ in proteins.
7. Carbohydrates contain _______, hydrogen and_______
8. Cellulose is one kind of _______
9. Milk Sugar is called _____
10. Cane Sugar is called _______
11. Animal starch is known as _______
12. Amylase hydrolysis _______ into _______
13. _______ helps in the smooth movement of the food in alimentary canal.
14. The Carbohydrate that is stored in the liver is called _______
15. The energy released by 1 gram of glucose is _______
16. Amino acids are units of _______
17. At 20ƒC fat remains as _______
18. Vanaspati is prepared from _______ fatty acids.
19. There are _______ different amino acids in nature.
20. _______ is essential amino acid in children but non-essential in Adults.
21. _______ are biologically complete proteins.
22. _______ are biologically incomplete proteins.
23. _______ and _______ are essential fatty acids.
24. One gram of fat gives _______ kilo calories in our body.
25. There are more than _______ mineral nutrients in our body.
26. _______ is the major cation in the extracellular fluids of the body.
27. _______ is the major cation in protoplasm of cell.
28. _______ is the major Anion in our body.
29. _______ is required for stimulation of neurons and osmotic balance in our body.
30. Calcium forms _______ percentage of the body weight in an adult human being.
31. We require about _______ milligrams of calcium per day.
32. _______ is essential for the formation of bones, teeth, coagulation of blood and production of milk in lactating females.
33. Deficiency of Iron causes _______
34. Deficiency of Iodine causes _______
35. _______ percentage of iron is present in blood.
36. _______ is essential for production thyroid gland hormone
37. Bone deformities occur due to the excessive intake of _______
38. Excessive intake of fluorine results in _______
39. Fats are made up of _______ and _______
40. _______ is universal Solvent.


1. Nutrients        2. Micro Nutrients           3. Nutrients        4. Macro Nutrients
5. Micro Nutrients           6. Carbohydrates, Poor 7. Carbon, Oxygen
8. Carbohydrates             9. Lactose            10. Sucrose         11. Glycogen
12. Starch, simple sugars               13.Mucous coat                                14. Glycogen
15. 4 Kilo calories              16. Proteins        17. Solid               18. Unsaturated
19. 24    20. Histidine       21. Meat, Milk, Eggs        22. Vegetables
23. Linoleic acid, Linolenic acid.                   24. 9.45                 25. 50
26. Sodium          27. Potassium    28. Chloride        29. Potassium
30. 1.5 to 2          31. 400 ± 500      32. Calcium         33. Anaemia
34. Hypothyroidism/Simple Goitre           35. 60 ± 70           36. Iodine
37. Fluoride        38. Flurosis          39. Fatty Acids, Glycerol                                40. Water

Physical Science

Velocity of   Electromagnetic Waves?

1. The wavelength of the visible spectrum is _____ (June ± 09, 05, 04, March 01)
2. The electromagnetic radiations that are used to take photographs of objects in darkness _____
(March ± 2009)
3. ____ rays are emitted in radioactivity. (June ± 2008)
4. The velocity of electromagnetic waves is _____ (March 2008)
5. Electromagnetic radiations with shortest wavelength are _____ (March 2008)
6. Rays used in RADAR _____ (April 08, June 07) (March 2001)
7. We are protected from ultraviolet radiations of the sun because _____ in our atmosphere absorbs UV rays strongly. (June 2007, April -2008)
8. The radiations used in physio – therapy is _____ (March 2007)
9. Velocity of light in vaccume _____ (June – 2006)
10. Electromagnetic waves are _____ type of waves. (March 2006)
11. 1A°= _____ (Oct – 1999)
12. Frequency range in radio broadcasting _____ (March – 2006)
13. RADAR means _____ (Oct – 99)
14. Microwaves are generated in a electrical circuit on account of _____ (June – 01)
15. On account of change in the rotation or vibrations of molecules of a substance _____ rays are
16. The waves useful in Telemetry ____
17. ____ rays cause skin cancer if body is exposed for moretime of the same.
18. ____ waves are generated on account of the vibrations of low frequency electromagnetic
19. The wavelength range of Radio waves.
20. Infrared rays are located through ____
21. The process of using soft X-rays in medical diagnosis is called as ____
22. ____ waves are used in Micro Oven.
23. ____ cause damage to ozone layer.
24. The wavelength range of Infrared rays is from _____ to ____.
25. Mapping of the radio emissions from extra terrestrial sources in known as ____


1. 0.4Njm – 0.7Njm         2. Infrared rays 3. Gama 4. 3 × 108 m/s 5. GAMA
6. Micro waves 7. Ultra violet rays            8. Infrared rays 9. 3×108 m/s
10. Transverse waves 11. 10–8 cm            12. 300 KHz to MHz
13. Radio detection and Ranging               14. Oscillatinos of high frequency electromagnetic waves
15. Infrared 16. Microwaves        17. Ultra violet 18. Radio waves
19. 1m – 100 km 20. Thermofile                 21. Radiography 22. MICRO
23. Spray of gaseous solutions                   24. 0.7Njm – 100Njm25. Radio Astronomy


1. If the distance between a node and the next antinode in a stationary wave is 10 cms, then the
wavelength is _____ (June 09)
2. Velocity of sound in air ‘V’ = _____ (March-09, April-08) (June-06) (March 03, 01) 3. In a
stationary wave, the point at which the maximum displacement is _____ (June, 2008)
4. Periodic vibrations of decreasing amplitude are called _____ (June, 2007) 5. The vibrations that
take place under the influence of an external periodic force are called _____ (June, 2007)
6. A medium transmits a sound wave through it, by virtue of its _____ (March 2007)
7. The distance between successive node and antinode is _____ (March – 2006)
8. In a resonance experiment if the first resonance air column length is 10cm, the second length of
resonance air column is at ____
9. The distance between two successive particles which are in the same phase is called as ____
10. ____ waves are developed in the resonance of air columns.
11. If particles in the wave vibrate perpendicular to the propagation of wave, then it is called as ___
12. By keeping the length of a pendulum constant, the vibration range is increased by energy then
frequency ____
13. ____ is the reason for the collapse of a bridge if march fast is done on it.
14. ____ are the stationary points of particles of media in stationary waves.
15. The distance between two successive antinodes in a stationary wave is ____
16. The wavelength of a sound wave where the velocity is 300m/sec and frequency is 10,000Hz is
17. Waves containing compressions and rarefractions are ____
18. Units for the frequency ____
19. The velocity of sound waves have frequencies 200 Hz and 500 Hz is ___
20. Frequency possessed by each system is called as ____
21. If frequency is ”nj” and wavelength is ”λ” then the velocity of sound v = ____
22. The phenomenon in which if one of the
two bodies of the same natural frequency is set into vibrations, the other body also
vibrates under the influence of the first body is called ____
23. When two waves of equal frequency and amplitude travel in opposite direction _____ are
24. Velocity of sound in vaccume is ____
25. Velocity of sound in air is determined with ____

Social Studies Name Important Peaks of Himala \as..
3. The vehicles are not supposed to enter the roads where ____ sign boards appear.
4. Don’t stop the cycle without ____.
5. The cyclist is supposed to slowdown his vehicle at ____.
6. The overtaking of any vehicle is to be done from ____ only.
7. For driving of power-driven vehicles, one should have driving ____.
8. The driver of a vehicle should keep his vehicle at three ____ distance from front one.
9. ____ is very dangerous while riding two wheeler.

1. Traffic education; 2. Safety cautions; 3. No entry; 4.Signaling; 5.Zebra crossing; 6. Right;
7.Licence; 8. Feet; 9. Applying sudden break

 APPSC GROUP 4 Important Questions Geography \  4 Marks Questions

1. What is a sub-continent? Explain how India can be called as Sub- continent?
2. Describe the importance of the Himalayas?
3. Name the Physiographic units of India and briefly explain their formation?
4. Compare Coastal plains of east and west?
5. Describe the Thornthwaite’s classification of climatic regions in India?
6. Describe mechanism of monsoon in India?
7. Describe the ecological and economic significance of forests?
8. Examine the need for forest development in India?
9. What are the different form of soil erosion and their occurrence in India?
10. What are the main causes of the rapid population growth in India?
11. What are the problems of “population explosion”?
12. What is the need for irrigation development in India?
13. What do you mean by a multipurpose project? Mention its main objectives?
14. Distinguish between major, medium and minor irrigation projects?
15. Explain the important characteristic features of Indian agriculture?
16. What are the problems of Indian agriculture?
17. Describe the importance of agriculture in India?
18. What are the important mineral belts identified in the country?
19. Describe the silent features about the distribution of important minerals?
20. what are the favorable factors for the development of cotton textiles in and around Mumbai and
Ahmedabad centers?
21. What are major industrial regions in India?
22. What are the advantages of road transport system?
23. Why the means of transport and communication are called the life lines of country?
24. Name the different types of roads?
25. What are the natural scenic beauties of Srinagar?
26. Describe the important aspects of Delhi city?
27. Give the important advantages of Mumbai to become the largest port in the country?


1. Taking food deficient in one (or) more _______ is called malnutrition.
2. The effect of malnutrition depends on _______ and _______ status of the individual.
3. In adults, when stored carbohydrates and _______ are used up the body generates energy from
4. Children do not have sufficient reserves of _______ and _______ in their body
5. Malnutrition in pregnant women also affects the health of the _______
6. Children given less proteins in their food suffer from _______ malnutrition.
7. Children given less calorie proteins in their food suffer from _______ malnutrition.
8. Kwashiorkor is caused due to the deficiency of _______
9. The African word kwashiorkor means _______
10. Over eating and excess intake of energy results in _______
11. When more than 20% of the body weight is due to fat, the person suffers from _______
12. Recent studies have shown the obesity is _______
13. In the body excess of fat is stored in _______
14. The story of vitamins started in _______ century.
15. Sir H.G. Hopkins discovered a substance required for growth in _______
16. Sir H.G.Hopkins called a substance required for growth as _______
17. The name vitamin was given by _______
18. Vitamin B1 is also called _______
19. Riboflavin is the chemical name of vitamin _______
20. Deficiency of Thiamine causes _______
21. Glossitis is caused by deficiency of vitamin _______
22. When rice is polished (or) repeated by washed _______ vitamin is lost from it.
23. Sailors of Japan knew that eating of _______ causes beri – beri.
24. Chemical name of vitamins B3 is _______
25. Deficiency of Vitamin B3 causes _______
26. Chemical name of vitamin B6 _______
27. Deficiency of _______ result in fits in children.
28. Pernicious Anaemia caused due to deficiency of vitamin _______
29. Cyanocobalamin is the name of vitamin _______
30. The Vitamin that plays an important role in the metabolism of nucleic acids is _______
31. Deficiency of _______ results in burning of feet.
32. Deficiency of _______ results in muscle pains, nervous disorder, Fatigue.
33. Chemical name of Vitamin µC¶ is _______
34. Deficiency of Vitamin µC¶ Cause _______
35. The Vitamin required for the formation of collagen is _______
36. The vitamin that helps in the healing of wounds and fractures of bones is _______
37. Vitamin C helps in the absorption and storage of _______
38. The vitamin that is highly sensitive to heat is _______
39. Chemical name of vitamin µA¶ is _______
40. _______ is required for the production of pigments such as rhodopsin and iodopsin.
41. In plant foods vitamin µA¶ is present in the form of a compound called _______
42. Night blindness in caused due to deficiency of _______
43. Xeropthalmia is a disease of _______
44. _______ vitamin is stored 6 to 9 months in run body.
45. Chemical name of vitamin – D is _______
46. _______ vitamin helps in absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
47. Sunlight converts _______ present in foods in the body into vitamin D.
48. Deficiency of vitmain D causes _______ in children
49. Chemical name of vitamin – E is _______
50. The vitamin that prevents sterility in males is vitamin _______
51. Chemical name of vitamin K is _______
52. The vitamin required for coagulation of blood is _______
53. Vitamins are not synthesized in the body. So they are called _______
54. The Vitamins which are synthesized in human intestine by bacteria are _______
55. In adults _______ deficiency weakens the bones and breaks.
56. Deficiency of _______ vitamin results in abortion in females.


1. Nutrients        2. Age and Health            3. Fats, Proteins                                4. Carbohydrates, Fats
5. Child                 6. Protein                            7. Calorie                             8. Proteins
9. Displaced child              10. Obesity         11. Obesity                         12. Genetic
13. Adipose Tissue           14. 18th                  15. Milk                                                16. Accessory Factor
17. Funk                               18. Thiamine      19. B2                                    20. Beri ± Beri
21. B2                                    22. B1 (Thiamine)                                             23. Polished rice
24. Niacin/Nicotinic Acid                25. Pellagra         26. Pyridoxine   27. Pyridoxine
28. B12                  29. B12                  30. Folic Acid      31. Pantothenic Acid       32. Biotine
33. Ascorbic Acid              34. Scurvy            35. Vitamin C      36. Vitamin C      37. Iron
38. Vitamin C      39. Retinol           40. Vitamin A     41. Carotene      42. Vitamin A
43. Eyes                44. A      45. Calciferol      46. D      47. Cholesterol  48. Rickets
49. Tocoferol      50. E       51. Phylloquinone            52. Vitamin K
53. Essential Nutrients   54. Vitamin K, Cyanocobalamine               55. Vitamin D     56. E

APPSC GROUP 4   2 Mark Questions

1. How many coastal states are there in our country? What are they?
2. What are the extreme places of our land frontiers?
3. What is the geometrical location of India? Where does India rank in area among the countries of
the world?
4. Name the countries which share frontiers with India?
5. Name important peaks of the Himalayas?
6. What is meant by”monsoon burst or break”?
7. Give a brief account on major problems of rainfall in India?
8. Distinguish between maritime climate and continental climate with examples?
9. How many seasons are recognized in India? What are they?
10. Briefly explain the major forest types and their distribution in India?
11. Explain the spatial distribution of forest land in India?
12. What is soil erosion? What are the agents of soil erosion?
13. What are the important measures of soil conversation?
14. What are the characteristics of alluvial soil?
15. Describe the significance of soils for economic development of a region.
16. What is density of population? What are the high rural and urban populated areas?
17. Distinguish between perennial and inundation canals?
18. what are the three important regions of hydro-power?

19. What is Green revolution? Explain its objectives?
20. Explain the significance of livestock in country¶s economy?
21. Explain the significance of mineral resources of a country?
22. Classify the minerals on the basis of their availability in the country?
23. Why the location of sugar industry is strictly confine to very close vicinity of sugarcane growing
24. Important steel plants in the country?
25. Different means of communications?
26. Explain the significance of air transport?
27. Explain historical significance of Hyderabad?
28. Distinguish between a harbor and port?
29. What are the problems faced by the Kolkata port?
30. What is foreign trade? Why it is a must?
31. Who are the important buyers of Indian goods?

APPSC Group iv  4 Mark Qustions

1. What are characterstics of Indian economy during the British period?
2. Distinguish various economic systems?
3. What are the reasons and forms of land tenure which gave rise to unequal Socioeconomic
structure in India?
4. Distinguish between less developed and developed economies?
5. What are the factors causing regional inbalances? Explain the indicators of regional disparities?
6. Describe the occupational structure of the Indian economy?
7. Explain the significance of service sector in Indian economy?
8. Explain the relationship between farm size and productivity in Indian agriculture?
9. What are the achievements and failures of planning?

APPSC GROUP 4 1 Mark Questions

1. What is “Dun”?
2. What is Mac Mohan Line?
3. How many states and Union Territories are in India?
4. How is the name india derived?
5. . What is ³Terai´?
6. What is plain?
7. Name the three major river systems of the Great Plains?
8. Define ³Drought´?
9. What is Monsoon?
10. Name the important forest based industries?
11. What are the two important methods of climatic classification?
12. What do you mean by ³Bhangar´?
13. What is ³sheet erosion´?
14. What is intensity of irrigation?
15. Which is the highest population state in our country?
16. Where was Hiracud project located?
17. Which states are administered with joint for ³Bhakra-Nangal Project?
18. Name the important crops of commercial agriculture?
19. What is live stock?
20. Expand IREDA?
21. What are the important geographical conditions required for the growth of ³paddy
22. What are the fuel minerals?

23. Name the four atomic minerals?
24. What is industrial region?
25. Write any two minerals which India has exportable surplus?
26. Expand TISCO.
27. Name the raw materials required for iron and steel industry?
28. Where is the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport?
29. What are the challenges of Indian railways?
30. Expand IGNOU.
31. Where was Ooty situated?
32. What is meant by man-made port?
33. Expand BHEL.
34. What is “pass”?
35. What do you understand by the direction of foreign trade?

2 Mark Qustions For APPSC GROUP 4

1. What are the general and specific objectives of planning in India?
2. What is an organised sector?
3. What is the meaning of the unorganised sector?
4. Explain different concepts of inflation?
5. Role of monsoons in India agriculture?
6. Explain various programmes launched by government for promotion of employment?
7. What is the role of banking and financial institutions in India?
8. Differentiate involuntary and voluntary unemployment?
9. What is economic planning?
10. What is the role of public sector in Indian Industrialisation?

APPSC GROUP 4 1 Mark Qustions

1. Define poverty line?
2. What is meant by µEarned Income ?
3. What do you mean by poverty?
4. Expand the term SFDA?
5. What is the full form of NREP?
6. What do you understand by Human Development Index?
7. Name important problems of afflicting the Indian economy?
8. Expand RBI?
9. What do you mean by FERA?
10. Define Basic industries?
11. Name the types of finance in financial systems?
12. What was the main objective of third five year plan?
13. Who is the chairman of India Planning Commission?
14. How do you measure income inequalities?

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