Free Online Computer Basics

All the questions in the quiz along with their answers are shown below. Your answers are bolded. The correct answers have a green background while the incorrect ones have a red background.
____ No. Of files can open at one time    
§                                 a) Three
§                                 b) One
§                                 c) As many as depends on memory
§                                 d) Maximum 5
How many mar gins for a word docu­ ment?    
§                                 a) Two (Header and Footer)
§                                 b) Four (Top, Bottom, Right & Left)
§                                 c) Two (Landscape & Portrait)
§                                 d) Two (Top & Bottom)
How to save a document as a web page?    
§                                 a) Save the document in TXT format
§                                 b) By using save as command
§                                 c) Save as HTML
§                                 d) None
What are the functions of a spreadsheet      
§                                 a) The worksheet finds the answer faster
§                                 b) The worksheet is more accurate
§                                 c) The worksheet recalculate the result whenever you change a number in the cell
§                                 d) All the above
The cell where the 3rd Column and 2nd Row cross has the cell address?  
§                                 a)C2
§                                 b)2C
§                                 c)3B
§                                 d)B3
____  Is the sign we use to activate the formula?

§                                 a)=
§                                 b)H
§                                 c) ++
§                                 d) None of the above
What is the output of the formula =(Al+A2)/2?    
§                                 a) Will not work
§                                 b) Finds the total of Al, A2
§                                 c) Find the average of cells Al, A2
§                                 d) None of the above
Cell Al, A2 contains values 10 and 5 respectively, what is the output atA3 cell, if the formula is =A1*A2?  
§                                 a) 15
§                                 b)51
§                                 c)50
§                                 d) 5
Question was not answered
What does SSL stand for?    
§                                 a) Systematic Security Layer
§                                 b) Systematic Socket Layer
§                                 c) Systematic Socket Laser
§                                 d) Systematic Socket Locker
______ Is a technique designed to decrypt the private messages    
§                                 a) Hacking
§                                 b) Unauthorized access
§                                 c) Phishing
§                                 d) None of the above

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